«Algorand» playlist

Algorand Blockchain Videos. Interviews: Silvio Micali (Founder,Turing Award Recipient), Steve Kokinos (CEO), Sean Ford (COO), Sergey Gorbunov, Sam Abbassi, Tal Rabin, Naveed Ihsanullah, Paul Riegle, Russ Fustino.Technology: Public Permissionless Blockchain Platform, Cryptography, Pure Proof Of Stake, Stacking rewards, Byzantine Fault Tolerant Consensus, Distributed ledger, Algorand Smart Contracts and TEAL, Python SDK, JavaScript SDK, Docker, DeFi, Definance, DApps, TestNet, MainNet, Secure, Scability, Scaling, Tokenomics, Algorand cryptographic sortition. Partners: MIT, Tether, IDEX, Eterna Capital, Arrington XRP Capital.